Property, Plant and Equipment

Entity Registrant Name AMERICAN AIRLINES INC
CIK 0000004515
Accession number 0001193125-13-155505
Link to XBRL instance
Fiscal year end --12-31
Fiscal year focus 2012
Fiscal period focus FY
Current balance sheet date 2012-12-31
Current year-to-date income statement start date 2012-01-01

Commentary Text block is estimated useful lives information.

Level 3 (Disclosure) Text Block concept us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentTextBlock
The depreciable lives used for the principal depreciable asset classifications are:
Depreciable Life
American jet aircraft and engines
20 - 30 years
Other regional aircraft and engines
16 - 20 years
Major rotable parts, avionics and assemblies
Life of equipment to which applicable
Improvements to leased flight equipment
Lesser of remaining lease term or expected useful life
Buildings and improvements (principally on leased land)
5 - 30 years or term of lease, including estimated renewal options when renewal is economically compelled at key airports
Furniture, fixtures and other equipment
3 - 10 years
Capitalized software
5 - 10 years

Level 4 Details Key Concepts: Long-term Debt Maturities

Description Fact value US GAAP XBRL Concept
PPE, Gross 0
Accumulated depreciation 0
PPE, Net 12,976,000,000 us-gaap:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNet
CHECK 12,976,000,000



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