Disclosure Descriptive Information
Label: Restructuring Reserve [Roll Forward]
Name: RestructuringReserveRollForward
Parent Topic: ExitOrDisposalCostObligations
Documentation: Roll forward (movements) of restructuring reserve.
Commentary: Seems like this disclosure is missing a text block.
Human Readable Examples: NOT AVAILABLE, NO TEXT BLOCK
Machine Readable Examples: List of machine readable examples (prototype)
Business rules (machine readable): XBRL Definition Relations
US GAAP XBRL Taxonomy Network: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/disclosure/ExitOrDisposalCostObligations | XML | HTML

Prototype of Disclosure
Line Label Object Class (Data type) Period Type Balance Report Element Name
1 Restructuring Reserve [Roll Forward] Concept (Text/String) For Period us-gaap:RestructuringReserveRollForward
2 Restructuring Reserve, Beginning Balance Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit us-gaap:RestructuringReserve
3 Restructuring Reserve, Period Increase (Decrease) [Roll Up] Concept (Text/String) For Period added:RestructuringReservePeriodIncreaseDecreaseRollUp
4 Restructuring Reserve, Period Expense Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:RestructuringReservePeriodExpense
5 Restructuring Reserve, Settled without Cash Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit us-gaap:RestructuringReserveSettledWithoutCash
6 Restructuring Reserve, Settled with Cash Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit us-gaap:RestructuringReserveSettledWithCash
7 Restructuring Reserve, Translation Adjustment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:RestructuringReserveTranslationAdjustment
8 Restructuring Reserve, Accrual Adjustment Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:RestructuringReserveAccrualAdjustment
9 Restructuring Reserve, Period Increase (Decrease), Total Concept (Monetary) For Period us-gaap:RestructuringReservePeriodIncreaseDecrease
10 Restructuring Reserve, Ending Balance Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit us-gaap:RestructuringReserve

Business Rules Summary
From Arcrole (predicate) To
disclosures:RestructuringReserveRollForward rules-arcroles:disclosure-hasConceptArrangementPattern fro:RollForward
disclosures:RestructuringReserveRollForward rules-arcroles:disclosure-requiresConcept us-gaap:RestructuringReserve


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