Disclosure Descriptive Information
Label: Inventory, Noncurrent [Table Text Block] (DO NOT USE, DUPLICATE)
Name: InventoryNoncurrent
Parent Topic: Inventory
Documentation: Disclosure of inventories not expected to be converted to cash, sold or exchanged within the normal operating cycle including inventoried costs relating to long-term contracts or programs.
Commentary: This is a duplicate, do not use
Level: Detail
Information model: [Level 3 Text Block]
Completion state: Not started
Exemplar Viewer: InventoryNoncurrent
US GAAP XBRL Taxonomy Text Block: us-gaap:ScheduleOfInventoryNoncurrentTableTextBlock
US GAAP XBRL Taxonomy Network: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/disclosure/Inventory | Machine-readable | Human-readable

References to Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) for Concepts in Disclosure
Item Description Reference
1 FASB: Topic:210 Subtopic:10 Section:50 Paragraph:1 http://asc.fasb.org/extlink&oid=6361739&loc=d3e7789-107766
2 FASB: Topic:210 Subtopic:10 Section:S99 Paragraph:1 Subparagraph:(SX 210.5-02(6)(a)) http://asc.fasb.org/extlink&oid=6877327&loc=d3e13212-122682
3 FASB: Topic:210 Subtopic:10 Section:S99 Paragraph:1 Subparagraph:(SX 210.5-02(6)(b)) http://asc.fasb.org/extlink&oid=6877327&loc=d3e13212-122682
4 FASB: Topic:210 Subtopic:10 Section:S99 Paragraph:1 Subparagraph:(SX 210.5-02(6)(c)) http://asc.fasb.org/extlink&oid=6877327&loc=d3e13212-122682
5 FASB: Topic:210 Subtopic:10 Section:S99 Paragraph:1 Subparagraph:(SX 210.5-02(6)(d)) http://asc.fasb.org/extlink&oid=6877327&loc=d3e13212-122682

Example of Disclosure: Machine-readable
Exemplars Available for Disclosure: Machine-Readable | Human-Readable
Entity Name and Text Block or Detailed Disclosure
AES CORP TextBlock | AMERICAN COMMERCE SOLUTIONS Inc TextBlock | CRAY INC TextBlock | E DIGITAL CORP TextBlock | EXACTECH INC TextBlock | Gaming Partners International CORP TextBlock | HUDSON TECHNOLOGIES INC /NY TextBlock | L & L ENERGY, INC. TextBlock | NCI BUILDING SYSTEMS INC TextBlock | NEWPORT CORP TextBlock | PANTRY INC TextBlock | TAYLOR DEVICES INC TextBlock | Yasheng Group TextBlock |

Business Rules for Disclosure: Machine-Readable
From Arcrole (predicate) To
disclosures:InventoryNoncurrent rules-arcroles:disclosure-isSECType fro:DisclosureType
disclosures:InventoryNoncurrent rules-arcroles:disclosure-equivalentTextblock us-gaap:ScheduleOfInventoryNoncurrentTableTextBlock

Manual Disclosure Checklist Items
Item Level Disclosure Checklist Item Label Commentary Related


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Last updated: 5/3/2016 7:59:04 AM