MOSAIC CO | 2013 | FY | 3

The year-end status of the North American pension plans was as follows:

      Pension Plans
      December 31,  May 31,
 (in millions)  2013  2013  2012
 Change in projected benefit obligation:         
  Benefit obligation at beginning of year $ 788.6 -$ 743.3 -$ 694.3
  Service cost   4.6   6.5   5.6
  Interest cost   19.0   32.6   34.5
  Plan amendments   -   15.3   -
  Actuarial (gain) loss   (49.3)   26.9   59.3
  Currency fluctuations   (11.8)   (0.4)   (15.5)
  Benefits paid   (23.1)   (35.6)   (34.9)
 Projected benefit obligation at end of year $ 728.0 $ 788.6 $ 743.3
 Change in plan assets:         
  Fair value at beginning of year $ 707.6 $ 654.4 $ 630.0
  Currency fluctuations   (9.1)   (0.3)   (12.9)
  Actual return   18.8   53.9   45.4
  Company contribution   42.7   35.2   26.8
  Benefits paid   (23.1)   (35.6)   (34.9)
 Fair value at end of year $ 736.9 $ 707.6 $ 654.4
 Funded/(unfunded) status of the plans as of the end of the year $ 8.9 $ (81.0) $ (88.9)
 Amounts recognized in the consolidated balance sheets:         
  Noncurrent assets $ 30.2 $ 6.4 $ -
  Current liabilities   (0.6)   (0.6)   (0.6)
  Noncurrent liabilities   (20.7)   (86.8)   (88.3)
  Amounts recognized in accumulated other          
   comprehensive (income) loss         
   Prior service costs (credits) $ 24.9 $ 27.1 $ 13.2
   Actuarial (gain)/loss   73.1   125.4   131.3
