Corning Natural Gas Holding Corp | 2013 | FY | 3

(k) Regulatory Matters

Certain costs are deferred and recognized as expenses when they are reflected in rates and recovered from customers as permitted by FASB ASC 980. These costs are shown as deferred debits and other assets. Such costs arise from the traditional cost-of-service rate setting approach whereby all prudently incurred costs are generally recoverable through rates. Deferral of these costs is appropriate while the Company’s rates are regulated under a cost-of-service approach.

As a regulated utility, the Company deferred certain costs for future recovery. In a purely competitive environment, such costs might have been currently expensed. Accordingly, if the Company’s rate setting were changed from a cost-of-service approach and the Company were no longer allowed to defer these costs under FASB ASC 980, certain of these assets might not be fully recoverable. However, the Company cannot predict the impact, if any, of competition and continues to operate in a cost-of-service based regulatory environment. Accordingly, the Company believes that accounting under FASB ASC 980 is still appropriate.
