Dividends Payable, by Class of Stock and Dividend Status [Hierarchy]

Machine Readable Exemplars Available for Disclosure
Entity Name Accession number Network label Sub Category Likes Rating
AMERICAN TOWER CORP /MA/ 0001193125-14-068001 2320301 - Disclosure - Equity (Tables) TextBlock 1 3
Bank of New York Mellon Corp 0001445305-14-000745 2316301 - Disclosure - Shareholders' Equity (Tables) TextBlock 1 3
CA, INC. 0000356028-13-000065 2312301 - Disclosure - Stockholders' Equity (Tables) TextBlock 1 3
CENTURYLINK, INC 0001445305-14-000656 2320301 - Disclosure - Dividends (Tables) TextBlock 1 3
HALF ROBERT INTERNATIONAL INC /DE/ 0001193125-14-054441 135 - Disclosure - Stockholders' Equity (Tables) TextBlock 1 3
IRON MOUNTAIN INC 0001047469-14-001562 3130 - Disclosure - Stockholders' Equity Matters (Tables) TextBlock 1 3
MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INC 0000827054-13-000171 2176100 - Disclosure - Dividends (Notes) TextBlock 1 3
PETSMART INC 0000863157-13-000059 2307301 - Disclosure - Stockholders' Equity (Tables) TextBlock 1 3
WAL MART STORES INC 0000104169-13-000011 2314301 - Disclosure - Subsequent Event (Tables) TextBlock 1 3


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