All Fact Tables by Network/Table


Network: Subsequent Events (
Table: Subsequent Events [Table] (pattern:SubsequentEventsTable)


brm:ConceptAxis brm:ReportingEntityAxis brm:PeriodAxis frm:LegalEntityAxis pattern:SubsequentEventAxis FactValue brm:Units brm:Rounding
pattern:SubsequentEventDescription SAMP ( 2010-01-01/2010-12-31 frm:ConsolidatedEntityMember pattern:UncollectedReceivableMember Description of subsequent event number 1 which relates to the loss of an uncollectable receivable and occurred on January 16, 2011.    
pattern:SubsequentEventDescription SAMP ( 2010-01-01/2010-12-31 frm:ConsolidatedEntityMember pattern:PurchaseBusinessMember Description of subsequent event number 2 which relates to the purchase of a business and occurred on February 1, 2011.