Report Element Information
Run date/time: 7/30/2011 9:35:29 AM
Report Element Attributes:
Prefix: gaap
Standard label: Furniture and Fixtures [Member]
Documentation: Duis sapien diam, dapibus sed, dictum quis, interdum ac, erat. Suspendisse urna. Proin non mauris. Proin sed odio. Phasellus sagittis orci quis orci.
Balance type:  
Period type: For Period (duration)
Report element type: [Concept]
Data type: Text/String (xbrli:stringItemType)
ID: gaap_FurnitureAndFixturesMember
Name: gaap:FurnitureAndFixturesMember

Labels of Report Element
Role: Label Lang
( Duis sapien diam, dapibus sed, dictum quis, interdum ac, erat. Suspendisse urna. Proin non mauris. Proin sed odio. Phasellus sagittis orci quis orci. en
Standard label ( Furniture and Fixtures [Member] en