Details for Selection

Standard label: Schedule of Gain (Loss) on Investments [Table]
Name: us-gaap:ScheduleOfGainLossOnInvestmentsTable
Documentation: Summarization of information required and determined to be disclosed concerning realized and unrealized gains and losses reported in the statement of income which have resulted from the sale or disposal and holding of marketable securities, respectively, as well as the sale or disposal of cost method investments. Such amounts would include realized gains and losses on the sale of trading, available-for-sale, and held-to-maturity securities, unrealized gains and losses on trading securities, unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities transferred to the trading securities category, realized gains and losses on the sale or disposal of cost method investments, and losses recognized for other than temporary impairments (OTTI) of such investments.
Data type: ()
Period type: ()
Balance type:
Object class: [Table]