Details for Selection

Standard label: Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period [Table]
Name: us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodTable
Documentation: A table or schedule providing information pertaining to troubled debt restructurings, in the period that the debt was restructured. It may include: (1) for each restructuring, the principal changes in terms, the major features of settlement, or both; (2) the aggregate gain (loss) on restructuring of payables; (3) the income tax effect on the gain recognized on the restructuring of payables for troubled debt restructurings; and (4) the aggregate net gain (loss) on the restructuring of payables; and (5) the aggregate net gain (loss) on transfers of assets recognized during the period.
Data type: ()
Period type: ()
Balance type:
Object class: [Table]