Intelligent Business Document

XBRL Instance: XBRL Instance

Fact Groups: HTML | XML

Measure Relations: HTML | XML

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Fact Group (Combination of Network and Hypercube)
Hypercube: pattern:SubsequentEventsFactGroup


Slicers (applies to each fact value in each table cell)
brm:ReportingEntityMeasure SAMP (
frm:LegalEntityMeasure pattern:SampleCompanyMember
brm:Units None


Table for: pattern:SubsequentEventsFactGroup brm:CalendarTimeMeasure
pattern:SubsequentEventMeasure 2010-01-01/2010-12-31
Subsequent Event [Measure] *
Subsequent Events, All [Domain] *
Uncollected Receivable [Member] Description of subsequent event number 1 which relates to the loss of an uncollectable receivable and occurred on January 16, 2011.
Purchase of Business [Member] Description of subsequent event number 2 which relates to the purchase of a business and occurred on February 1, 2011.