Report Element Information
Run date/time: 6/5/2011 7:34:40 AM
Report Element Attributes:
Report element from taxonomy prefix: us-gaap
US GAAP taxonomy standard label: us-gaap: Commitments Disclosure [Text Block]
Filer taxonomy standard label: Commitments Disclosure [Text Block]
Documentation: The entire disclosure for significant arrangements with third parties, which includes operating lease arrangements and arrangements in which the entity has agreed to expend funds to procure goods or services, or has agreed to commit resources to supply goods or services, and operating lease arrangements. Descriptions may include identification of the specific goods and services, period of time covered, minimum quantities and amounts, and cancellation rights.
Balance type:  
Period type: For Period (duration)
Report element type: [Concept]
Data type: Text Block (HTML) (nonnum:textBlockItemType)
ID: us-gaap_CommitmentsDisclosureTextBlock
Name: us-gaap:CommitmentsDisclosureTextBlock

Labels of Report Element: (Labels from filer taxonomy, does not include other labels)
Role: Label Lang
Standard label ( Commitments Disclosure [Text Block] en-US

References of Report Element, FASB Accounting Standards Codification:
Publisher, Name: Topic Sub Topic Glossary URI
FASB, Accounting Standards Codification 210 10
FASB, Accounting Standards Codification 942 210
FASB, Accounting Standards Codification 944 210

References of Report Element, SEC Regulation S-X (SX):
Publisher, Name: Number Section Paragraph Subparagraph Article
SEC, Regulation S-X (SX) 210 02 25 5
SEC, Regulation S-X (SX) 210 03 17 9
SEC, Regulation S-X (SX) 210 03 19 7

References of Report Element, US GAAP Legacy:
Publisher: Name Number Chapter Section Paragraph Subparagraph Article Clause Appendix