Report Element Information
Run date/time: 6/5/2011 7:34:41 AM
Report Element Attributes:
Report element from taxonomy prefix: us-gaap
US GAAP taxonomy standard label: us-gaap: Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations
Filer taxonomy standard label: Long-term debt
Documentation: Sum of the carrying values as of the balance sheet date of all long-term debt, which is debt initially having maturities due after one year from the balance sheet date or beyond the operating cycle, if longer, but excluding the portions thereof scheduled to be repaid within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer plus capital lease obligations due to be paid more than one year after the balance sheet date.
Balance type: Credit
Period type: As of (instant)
Report element type: [Concept]
Data type: Monetary (xbrli:monetaryItemType)
ID: us-gaap_LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligations
Name: us-gaap:LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligations

Labels of Report Element: (Labels from filer taxonomy, does not include other labels)
Role: Label Lang
Standard label ( Long-term debt en-US

References of Report Element, FASB Accounting Standards Codification:
Publisher, Name: Topic Sub Topic Glossary URI
FASB, Accounting Standards Codification 210 10

References of Report Element, SEC Regulation S-X (SX):
Publisher, Name: Number Section Paragraph Subparagraph Article
SEC, Regulation S-X (SX) 210 02 22 5
SEC, Staff Accounting Bulletin (SAB) Topic 6 H

References of Report Element, US GAAP Legacy:
Publisher: Name Number Chapter Section Paragraph Subparagraph Article Clause Appendix