Report Element Information
Run date/time: 6/5/2011 7:34:42 AM
Report Element Attributes:
Report element from taxonomy prefix: us-gaap
US GAAP taxonomy standard label: us-gaap: Provision for Doubtful Accounts
Filer taxonomy standard label: Provision for doubtful accounts
Documentation: Amount of the current period expense charged against operations, the offset which is generally to the allowance for doubtful accounts for the purpose of reducing receivables, including notes receivable, to an amount that approximates their net realizable value (the amount expected to be collected).
Balance type: Debit
Period type: For Period (duration)
Report element type: [Concept]
Data type: Monetary (xbrli:monetaryItemType)
ID: us-gaap_ProvisionForDoubtfulAccounts
Name: us-gaap:ProvisionForDoubtfulAccounts

Labels of Report Element: (Labels from filer taxonomy, does not include other labels)
Role: Label Lang
Standard label ( Provision for doubtful accounts en-US

References of Report Element, FASB Accounting Standards Codification:
Publisher, Name: Topic Sub Topic Glossary URI
FASB, Accounting Standards Codification 230 10
FASB, Accounting Standards Codification 225 10

References of Report Element, SEC Regulation S-X (SX):
Publisher, Name: Number Section Paragraph Subparagraph Article
SEC, Regulation S-X (SX) 210 03 5 5

References of Report Element, US GAAP Legacy:
Publisher: Name Number Chapter Section Paragraph Subparagraph Article Clause Appendix
FASB Statement of Financial Accounting Standard (FAS) 95 28