Extension Report Elements Added by Filer
Run date/time: 6/5/2011 7:34:37 AM
Networks added by filer: (for information about networks click here)
# Network Definition Network Identifier Count of Report Elements
1 101000 - Document - Document Information http://www.abc.com/role/DocumentInformation 27
2 104100 - Statement - Statement of Financial Position http://www.abc.com/role/StatementOfFinancialPosition 47
3 104101 - Statement - Classes of Preferred Stock http://www.abc.com/role/ClassesOfPreferredStock 20
4 104102 - Statement - Classes of Common Stock http://www.abc.com/role/ClassesOfCommonStock 18
5 104103 - Statement - Classes of Treasury Stock http://www.abc.com/role/ClassesOfTreasuryStock 15
6 104104 - Statement - Statement of Financial Position, Other Parenthetical http://www.abc.com/role/OtherParenthetical 10
7 105100 - Statement - Statement of Operations http://www.abc.com/role/StatementOfOperations 38
8 105101 - Statement - Statement of Operations, Net Income Breakdown http://www.abc.com/role/StatementOfOperationsNetIncomeBreakdown 11
9 105102 - Statement - Statement of Operations, Earnings Per Share http://www.abc.com/role/StatementOfOperationsEarningsPerShare 9
10 106100 - Statement - Statement of Cash Flows http://www.abc.com/role/StatementOfCashFlows 27
11 153101 - Statement - Prior Period Adjustment, Retained Earnings http://www.abc.com/role/PriorPeriodAdjustmentRetainedEarnings 16
12 153102 - Statement - Prior Period Adjustment, Stockholders' Equity Attributable to Parent http://www.abc.com/role/PriorPeriodAdjustmentStockholderEquityAttributableToParent 16
13 153103 - Statement - Prior Period Adjustment, Stockholders' Equity Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest http://www.abc.com/role/PriorPeriodAdjustmentStockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest 16
14 154101 - Statement - Statement of Changes in Equity, Preferred Stock http://www.abc.com/role/StatementOfChangesInEquityPreferredStock 18
15 154102 - Statement - Statement of Changes in Equity, Common Stock http://www.abc.com/role/StatementOfChangesInEquityCommonStock 19
16 154103 - Statement - Statement of Changes in Equity, Additional Paid-in Capital http://www.abc.com/role/StatementOfChangesInEquityAdditionalPaidInCapital 11
17 154104 - Statement - Statement of Changes in Equity, Treasury Stock http://www.abc.com/role/StatementOfChangesInEquityTreasuryStock 11
18 154105 - Statement - Statement of Changes in Equity, Retained Earnings http://www.abc.com/role/StatementOfChangesInEquityRetainedEarnings 14
19 154106 - Statement - Statement of Changes in Equity, Stockholders' Equity Attributable to Parent http://www.abc.com/role/StatementOfChangesInEquityStockholdersEquityAttributableToParent 14
20 154107 - Statement - Statement of Changes in Equity, Stockholders' Equity Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest http://www.abc.com/role/StatementOfChangesInEquityStockholdersEquityAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest 13
21 154108 - Statement - Statement of Changes in Equity, Stockholders' Equity, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest http://www.abc.com/role/StatementOfChangesInEquityStockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest 14
22 207301 - Disclosure - Note A. Accounting Policies http://www.abc.com/role/AccountingPolicies 14
23 207401 - Disclosure - Note B. Property, Plant and Equipment Policies http://www.abc.com/role/PropertyPlantAndEquipmentPolicies 17
24 301000 - Disclosure - Note C. Inventory, By Component http://www.abc.com/role/InventoryByComponent 13
25 305000 - Disclosure - Note D. Property, Plant and Equipment Detail http://www.abc.com/role/PropertyPlantAndEquipmentDetail 14
26 306000 - Disclosure - Note E. Maturities of Long-term Debt http://www.abc.com/role/MaturitiesOfLongTermDebt 15
27 306010 - Disclosure - Note F. Part 1. Long-term Debt Instruments http://www.abc.com/role/LongTermDebtInstruments 20
28 306011 - Disclosure - Note F. Part 2. Long-term Debt Components http://www.abc.com/role/LongTermDebtComponents 11
29 306020 - Disclosure - Note G. Part 1. Commitments http://www.abc.com/role/Commitments 8
30 306030 - Disclosure - Note G. Part 2. Contingencies http://www.abc.com/role/Contingencies 13
31 307000 - Disclosure - Note G. Part 3. Loss Contingency Accrual http://www.abc.com/role/LossContingencyAccrual 17
32 308000 - Disclosure - Note H. Nonmonetary Transactions http://www.abc.com/role/NonmonetaryTransactions 17
33 309010 - Disclosure - Note I. Business Segments http://www.abc.com/role/BusinessSegments 21
34 309020 - Disclosure - Note I. Geographic Areas http://www.abc.com/role/GeographicAreas 19


Tables added by filer: (for information about tables click here)
# Label Documentation Name (Click name to navigate to details)
1 Accounting Policies [Table] Information about accounting policies abc:AccountingPoliciesTable
2 Business Segment Information [Table] Information about business segments of the consolidated entity abc:BusinessSegmentInformationTable
3 Changes in Additional Paid-in Capital [Table] Information about changes in additional paid-in capital abc:ChangesInAdditionalPaidInCapitalTable
4 Changes in Common Stock, by Class [Table] Information about changes in common stock abc:ChangesInCommonStockByClassTable
5 Changes in Preferred Stock, by Class [Table] Information about preferred stock by class abc:ChangesInPreferredStockByClassTable
6 Changes in Retained Earnings [Table] Information about changes in retained earnings abc:ChangesInRetainedEarningsTable
7 Changes in Stockholders' Equity Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest [Table] Information about changes in equity attributable to noncontrolling interest abc:ChangesInStockholdersEquityAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestTable
8 Changes in Stockholders' Equity Attributable to Parent [Table] Information about changes in parent equity abc:ChangesInStockholdersEquityAttributableToParentTable
9 Changes in Stockholders' Equity, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest [Table] Information about changes in total equity abc:ChangesInStockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestTable
10 Changes in Treasury Stock [Table] Information about changes in treasury stock abc:ChangesInTreasuryStockTable
11 Commitments [Table] Information about commitments abc:CommitmentsTable
12 Common Stock, by Class [Table] Information about common stock by class abc:CommonStockByClassTable
13 Earnings Per Share [Table] Information about earnings per share abc:EarningsPerShareTable
14 Inventory, by Component [Table] Information about inventory components abc:InventoryByComponentTable
15 Loss Contingency Accrual [Table] Information about loss contingencies abc:LossContingencyAccrualTable
16 Maturities of Long-term Debt [Table] Information about maturities of long term debt abc:MaturitiesOfLongTermDebtTable
17 Net Income Breakdown [Table] Information about net income by component abc:NetIncomeBreakdownTable
18 Preferred Stock, by Class [Table] Information about preferred stock by class abc:PreferredStockByClassTable
19 Prior Period Adjustment, Retained Earnings [Table] Information about adjustments to retained earnings abc:PriorPeriodAdjustmentRetainedEarningsTable
20 Prior Period Adjustment, Stockholders' Equity Attributable to Parent [Table] Information about adjustments to equity attributable to parent abc:PriorPeriodAdjustmentStockholdersEquityAttributableToParentTable
21 Prior Period Adjustment, Stockholders' Equity, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest [Table] Information about adjustments to total stockholders equity abc:PriorPeriodAdjustmentStockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestTable
22 Property, Plant and Equipment, Detail by Class [Table] Information about the components of PPE abc:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentDetailByClassTable
23 Property, Plant and Equipment, Policies [Table] Information about PPE policies abc:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentPoliciesTable
24 Revenues by Geographic Area [Table] Information about revenues by geographic area for the consolidated entity abc:RevenuesByGeographicAreaTable
25 Schedule of Long-term Debt Components [Table] Information about components of long term debt abc:ScheduleOfLongTermDebtComponentsTable
26 Statement of Cash Flows, Indirect Method [Table] Information about cash flows abc:StatementOfCashFlowsIndirectMethodTable
27 Statement of Financial Condition, Classified [Table] Information about financial position abc:StatementOfFinancialConditionClassifiedTable
28 Statement of Financial Condition, Classified, Parenthetical, Other [Table] Information relating to financial position abc:StatementOfFinancialConditionClassifiedParentheticalOtherTable
29 Statement of Income, Including Gross Margin [Table] Information about income from operatings abc:StatementOfIncomeIncludingGrossMarginTable


Axis added by filer: (for information about axis click here)
# Label Documentation Name (Click name to navigate to details)
1 Class of Common Stock [Axis] Articulates breakdown of common stock by class abc:ClassOfCommonStockAxis
2 Class of Preferred Stock [Axis] Articulates breakdown of preferred stock by class abc:ClassOfPreferredStockAxis
3 Class of Treasury Stock [Axis] Articulates classes of treasury stock abc:ClassOfTreasuryStockAxis
4 Country [Axis] Countries which makeup the breakdown of geographic areas abc:CountryAxis


Domains added by filer: (for information about domains click here)
# Label Documentation Name (Click name to navigate to details)
1 Class of Common Stock, All Classes [Domain] All classes of common stock combined abc:ClassOfCommonStockAllClassesDomain
2 Class of Preferred Stock, All Classes [Domain] All classes of preferred stock combined abc:ClassOfPreferredStockAllClassesDomain
3 Countries, All [Domain] Indicates all countries combined abc:CountriesAllDomain


Members added by filer: (for information about members click here)
# Label Documentation Name (Click name to navigate to details)
1 As Reported February 12, 2011 [Member] Indicates the current report date abc:AsReportedFebruary122011Member
2 As Reported February 8, 2010 [Member] Indicates the prior report date abc:AsReportedFebruary82010Member
3 Business Segment Alpha [Member] Indicates business segment Alpha of the entity abc:BusinessSegmentAlphaMember
4 Business Segment B [Member] Indicates business segment B of the entity abc:BusinessSegmentBMember
5 Business Segment C [Member] Indicates business segment C of the entity abc:BusinessSegmentCMember
6 Business Segment D [Member] Indicates business segment D of the entity abc:BusinessSegmentDMember
7 Canada [Member] Indicates the country Canada abc:CanadaMember
8 Debt Instrument AA [Member] Indicates debt instrument AA abc:DebtInstrumentAaMember
9 Debt Instrument B [Member] Indicates debt instrument B abc:DebtInstrumentBMember
10 Europe [Member] Indicates the European area abc:EuropeMember
11 Germany [Member] Indicates the country Germany abc:GermanyMember
12 North America [Member] Indicates the North American area abc:NorthAmericaMember
13 United Kingdom [Member] Indicates the country United Kingdom abc:UnitedKingdomMember
14 United States [Member] Indicates the country United States abc:UnitedStatesMember


Line items added by filer: (for information about line items click here)
# Label Documentation Name (Click name to navigate to details)
1 Accounting Policies [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:AccountingPoliciesLineItems
2 Business Segment Information [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:BusinessSegmentInformationLineItems
3 Changes in Additional Paid-in Capital [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:ChangesInAdditionalPaidInCapitalLineItems
4 Changes in Common Stock, by Class [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:ChangesInCommonStockByClassLineItems
5 Changes in Preferred Stock, by Class [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:ChangesInPreferredStockByClassLineItems
6 Changes in Retained Earnings [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:ChangesInRetainedEarningsLineItems
7 Changes in Stockholders' Equity Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:ChangesInStockholdersEquityAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestLineItems
8 Changes in Stockholders' Equity Attributable to Parent [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:ChangesInStockholdersEquityAttributableToParentLineItems
9 Changes in Stockholders' Equity, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:ChangesInStockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestLineItems
10 Changes in Treasury Stock [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:ChangesInTreasuryStockLineItems
11 Class of Treasury Stock [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:ClassOfTreasuryStockLineItems
12 Commitments [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:CommitmentsLineItems
13 Common Stock, by Class [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:CommonStockByClassLineItems
14 Earnings Per Share [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:EarningsPerShareLineItems
15 Inventory, by Component [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:InventoryByComponentLineItems
16 Loss Contingency Accrual [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:LossContingencyAccrualLineItems
17 Maturities of Long-term Debt [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:MaturitiesOfLongTermDebtLineItems
18 Net Income Breakdown [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:NetIncomeBreakdownLineItems
19 Preferred Stock, by Class [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:PreferredStockByClassLineItems
20 Prior Period Adjustment, Retained Earnings [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:PriorPeriodAdjustmentRetainedEarningsLineItems
21 Prior Period Adjustment, Stockholders' Equity Attributable to Parent [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:PriorPeriodAdjustmentStockholdersEquityAttributableToParentLineItems
22 Prior Period Adjustment, Stockholders' Equity, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:PriorPeriodAdjustmentStockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestLineItems
23 Property, Plant and Equipment, Policies [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentPoliciesLineItems
24 Revenues by Geographic Area [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:RevenuesByGeographicAreaLineItems
25 Schedule of Long-term Debt Components [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:ScheduleOfLongTermDebtComponentsLineItems
26 Statement of Cash Flows, Indirect Method [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:StatementOfCashFlowsIndirectMethodLineItems
27 Statement of Financial Condition, Classified [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:StatementOfFinancialConditionClassifiedLineItems
28 Statement of Financial Condition, Classified, Parenthetical, Other [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:StatementOfFinancialConditionClassifiedParentheticalOtherLineItems
29 Statement of Income, Including Gross Margin [Line Items] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:StatementOfIncomeIncludingGrossMarginLineItems


Concepts (Abstract) added by filer: (for information about abstract concepts click here)
# Label Documentation Name (Click name to navigate to details)
1 Accounting Policies [Hierarchy] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:AccountingPoliciesHierarchy
2 Additional Paid-in Capital [Roll Forward] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:AdditionalPaidInCapitalRollForward
3 BREAKDOWN OF NET INCOME [Roll Up] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:BreakdownOfNetIncomeLossRollUp
4 Business Segment Information [Hierarchy] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:BusinessSegmentInformationHierarchy
5 Cash and Cash Equivalents [Roll Forward] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:CashAndCashEquivalentsRollForward
6 Class of Treasury Stock [Hierarchy] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:ClassOfTreasuryStockHierarchy
7 Common Stock, by Class [Hierarchy] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:CommonStockByClassHierarchy
8 Common Stock, Shares Outstanding [Roll Forward] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:CommonStockSharesOutstandingRollForward
9 Common Stock, Value [Roll Forward] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:CommonStockValueRollForward
10 Debt Instrument [Hierarchy] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:DebtInstrumentHierarchy
11 Document Information [Hierarchy] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:DocumentInformationHierarchy
12 Inventory, by Component [Roll Up] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:InventoryByComponentRollUp
13 Long-term Debt [Roll Up] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:LongTermDebtRollUp
14 Loss Contingencies [Hierarchy] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:LossContingenciesHierarchy
15 Loss Contingency Accrual, Carrying Value, Period Increase (Decrease) [Roll Up] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:LossContingencyAccrualCarryingValuePeriodIncreaseDecreaseRollUp
16 Nonmonetary Transaction [Hierarchy] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:NonmonetaryTransactionHierarchy
17 Preferred Stock, by Class [Hierarchy] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:PreferredStockByClassHierarchy
18 Preferred Stock, Shares Outstanding [Roll Forward] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:PreferredStockSharesOutstandingRollForward
19 Preferred Stock, Value [Roll Forward] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:PreferredStockValueRollForward
20 Property, Plant and Equipment [Hierarchy] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentHierarchy
21 Property, Plant and Equipment, Policies [Hierarchy] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentPoliciesHierarchy
22 Retained Earnings (Accumulated Deficit) [Adjustment] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedDeficitAdjustment
23 Retained Earnings (Accumulated Deficit) [Roll Forward] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedDeficitRollForward
24 Retained Earnings (Accumulated Deficit), Period Increase (Decrease) [Roll Up] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedDeficitPeriodIncreaseDecreaseRollUp
25 Retained earnings, Adjustments [Roll Up] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:RetainedEarningsAdjustmentsRollUp
26 Revenues by Geographic Area [Hierarchy] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:RevenuesByGeographicAreaHierarchy
27 Statement of Financial Condition, Classified, Parenthetical, Other [Hierarchy] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:StatementOfFinancialConditionClassifiedParentheticalOtherHierarchy
28 Stockholders' Equity Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Period Increase (Decrease) [Roll Up] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:StockholdersEquityAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestPeriodIncreaseDecreaseRollUp
29 Stockholders' Equity Attributable to Parent [Adjustment] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:StockholdersEquityAttributableToParentAdjustment
30 Stockholders' Equity Attributable to Parent [Roll Forward] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:StockholdersEquityAttributableToParentRollForward
31 Stockholders' Equity Attributable to Parent, Adjustments [Roll Up] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:StockholdersEquityAttributableToParentAdjustmentsRollUp
32 Stockholders' Equity Attributable to Parent, Period Increase (Decrease) [Roll Up] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:StockholdersEquityAttributableToParentPeriodIncreaseDecreaseRollUp
33 Stockholders' Equity, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest [Adjustment] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:StockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAdjustment
34 Stockholders' Equity, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest [Roll Forward] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:StockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestRollForward
35 Stockholders' Equity, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Adjustments [Roll Up] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:StockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAdjustmentsRollUp
36 Stockholders' Equity, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Period Increase (Decrease) [Roll Up] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:StockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestPeriodIncreaseDecreaseRollUp
37 Treasury Stock [Roll Forward] Abstract concept used for organization only abc:TreasuryStockRollForward


Concepts (Concrete) added by filer: (for information about concepts click here)
# Label Data Type Period Type Balance Type Prefix Documentation Name (Click name to navigate to details)
1 Additional Paid-in Capital, Period Increase (Decrease) Monetary For Period (duration) Credit abc Total changes in additional paid-in capital abc:AdditionalPaidInCapitalPeriodIncreaseDecrease
2 Common Stock, Shares Outstanding, Period Increase (Decrease) Shares For Period (duration) abc Total changes in common shares abc:CommonStockSharesOutstandingPeriodIncreaseDecrease
3 Common Stock, Value, Outstanding, Period Increase (Decrease) Monetary For Period (duration) Credit abc Total changes in common stock value abc:CommonStockValueOutstandingPeriodIncreaseDecrease
4 Correction of Prior Period Error Monetary As of (instant) Credit abc Correction of a prior period error abc:CorrectionOfPriorPeriodError
5 Effect of Mandatory Change in Accounting Policy for Adoption of FAS XXX Monetary As of (instant) Credit abc Effect of mandatory change in accounting policy from FAS XXX abc:EffectOfMandatoryChangeInAccountingPolicyForAdoptionOfFasXxx
6 Effect of Voluantary Change in Accounting Policy Monetary As of (instant) Credit abc Effect of voluantary change in accounting policy abc:EffectOfVoluantaryChangeInAccountingPolicy
7 Preferred Stock, Shares Outstanding, Period Increase (Decrease) Shares For Period (duration) abc Total change in preferred stock shares abc:PreferredStockSharesOutstandingPeriodIncreaseDecrease
8 Preferred Stock, Value, Outstanding, Period Increase (Decrease) Monetary For Period (duration) Credit abc Total change in preferred stock value abc:PreferredStockValueOutstandingPeriodIncreaseDecrease
9 Retained Earnings (Accumulated Deficit), Period Increase, Period Increase (Decrease) Monetary For Period (duration) Credit abc Total changes in retained earnings abc:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedDeficitPeriodIncreasePeriodIncreaseDecrease
10 Retained earnings, Adjustments Monetary As of (instant) Credit abc Total adjustments to retained earnings abc:RetainedEarningsAdjustments
11 Stockholders' Equity Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Period Increase (Decrease) Monetary For Period (duration) Credit abc Total changes in noncontrolling interest abc:StockholdersEquityAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestPeriodIncreaseDecrease
12 Stockholders' Equity Attributable to Parent, Adjustments Monetary As of (instant) Credit abc Total adjustments to parent equity abc:StockholdersEquityAttributableToParentAdjustments
13 Stockholders' Equity Attributable to Parent, Period Increase (Decrease) Monetary For Period (duration) Credit abc Total changes in parent equity abc:StockholdersEquityAttributableToParentPeriodIncreaseDecrease
14 Stockholders' Equity, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Adjustments Monetary As of (instant) Credit abc Total adjustments to noncontrolling interest abc:StockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAdjustments
15 Stockholders' Equity, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Period Increase (Decrease) Monetary For Period (duration) Credit abc Total changes in equity abc:StockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestPeriodIncreaseDecrease
16 Treasury Stock, Period Increase (Decrease) Monetary For Period (duration) Debit abc Total changes in treasury stock abc:TreasuryStockPeriodIncreaseDecrease