Basic Comparison, SEC XBRL Filing (2010-09-30)

(RSS Feed | Basic Example | Meta Patterns)

The Basic Comparison, SEC XBRL Filing example takes the Basic Example, SEC XBRL Filing, duplicates the XBRL instance and company extension XBRL taxonomies, and creates a very comparable set of three XBRL instances and XBRL taxonomies. Each company's XBRL taxonomy is distinct as is the XBRL instance. What I have not done yet is change the values in the XBRL instances in order to make the XBRL instances look different. The point of this comparison is to show that comparison is possible, what makes XBRL instances comparable, and what takes away from comparability. No judgment is being made about what should or should not be comparable; this is an exercise in showing how to use the XBRL technology to achieve comparabilty. It is up to the domains applying the XBRL technology to determine the comparability they desire.

Number Item ABC Company XYZ Company QQQ Company
1. Human Readable Rendering ABC Company Rendering XYZ Company Rendering QQQ Company Rendering
2. RSS Feed (points to each XBRL instance so software applications can point to one file and read and load all three XBRL instances)
3. Company Extenstion Taxonomy ABC Company Extension XYZ Company Extension QQQ Company Extension
4. Human Readable Company Extenstion Taxonomy ABC Company Extension XYZ Company Extension QQQ Company Extension
5. Human Readable of Fact Groups (Fact Table) ABC Company Fact Groups XYZ Company Fact Groups QQQ Company Fact Groups
6. Calculation Validation Results ABC Company Calculations Validation XYZ Company Calculations Validation QQQ Company Calculations Validation
7. Business Rules (all three XBRL Instances can be validated using this)
8. Business Rules Validation Results ABC Company Business Rules Validation XYZ Company Business Rules Validation QQQ Company Business Rules Validation
9. Extraction Tool: ZIPPED Excel Spreadsheet (Contains Macros)

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