KBS Fashion Group Ltd | CIK:0001546383 | 3

  • Filed: 4/30/2018
  • Entity registrant name: KBS Fashion Group Ltd (CIK: 0001546383)
  • Generator: Ez-XBRL
  • SEC filing page: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1546383/000121390018005204/0001213900-18-005204-index.htm
  • XBRL Instance: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1546383/000121390018005204/kbsf-20171231.xml
  • XBRL Cloud Viewer: Click to open XBRL Cloud Viewer
  • EDGAR Dashboard: https://edgardashboard.xbrlcloud.com/edgar-dashboard/?cik=0001546383
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  • ifrs-full:DisclosureOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentExplanatory



      Plant  Machinery  Office equipment  Motor vehicles  Furniture and fixtures  Leasehold improvements-factories and offices  Leasehold improvements-shops  Distributor shops’ furniture and fixtures  Total 
    At January 1, 2016  30,479,750   1,040,458   130,975   130,681   156,349   750,464   3,920,325   3,203,483   39,812,485 
    Additions  -   27,637   14,495   -   317   141,271   -   -   183,720 
    Disposals  -   (142,425)  (2,397)  -   (699)  -   (3,416,591)  (2,998,722)  (6,560,834)
    Translation adjustment  (1,948,208)  (66,504)  (8,372)  (8,353)  (9,994)  (47,968)  (250,580)  (204,761)  (2,544,740)
    At December 31, 2016  28,531,542   859,166   134,701   122,328   145,973   843,767   253,154   -   30,890,631 
    Additions  965,792   15,893   -   -   -   -   -   -   981,685 
    Disposals  -   -   (12,490)  (43,215)  (1,836)  -   -   -   (57,541)
    Translation adjustment  1,758,824   52,963   8,304   7,541   8,999   52,014   15,606   -   1,904,251 
    At December 31, 2017  31,256,158   928,022   130,515   86,654   153,136   895,781   268,760   -   33,719,026 
    At January 1, 2016  (1,199,268)  (765,500)  (75,573)  (111,127)  (134,786)  (358,958)  (3,920,325)  (2,710,227)  (9,275,764)
    Provided for the year  (1,283,919)  (69,007)  (20,528)  (5,867)  (10,812)  (99,622)  -   (374,763)  (1,864,518)
    Eliminated upon disposal of assets  -   85,455   1,351   -   357   -   3,416,591   2,911,757   6,415,511 
    Translation adjustment  76,655   48,929   4,830   7,103   8,615   22,944   250,580   173,233   592,889 
    At December 31, 2016  (2,406,532)  (700,123)  (89,920)  (109,891)  (136,626)  (435,636)  (253,154)  -   (4,131,882)
    Provided for the year  (1,377,553)  (48,120)  (14,495)  (174)  (3,202)  (114,764)  -   -   (1,558,308)
    Eliminated upon disposal of assets  -   -   10,071   38,893   1,432   -   -   -   50,396 
    Translation adjustment  (148,350)  (43,159)  (5,543)  (6,774)  (8,422)  (26,855)  (15,606)  -   (254,709)
    At December 31, 2017  (3,932,435)  (791,402)  (99,887)  (77,946)  (146,818)  (577,255)  (268,760)  -   (5,894,503)
    CARRYING AMOUNT                                    
    At December 31, 2016  26,125,010   159,043   44,781   12,437   9,347   408,131   -   -   26,758,749 
    At December 31, 2017  27,323,723   136,620   30,628   8,708   6,318   318,526   -   -   27,824,523 


    Net exchange differences from translating the financial statements from functional currency to presentation currency were $(1,649,540) and $(1,669,507) as at December 31, 2017 and 2016.


    Depreciation expense for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015 were $1,510,213, $1,942,735, and $2,015,437, respectively. There was no impairment loss charged for the periods presented.


    Depreciation is provided on straight-line basis for all property, plant and equipment over their estimated useful lives of the assets as follows:


       Useful life Residual Value 
     Plant 20 years  10%
     Machinery 5 years  10%
     Office equipment 5 years  10%
     Motor vehicles 5 years  10%
     Furniture and fixtures 5 years  10%
     Leasehold improvements-factories and offices Shorter of estimated useful life of 5 years or lease term  10%
     Leasehold improvements-shops Shorter of estimated useful life of 5 years or lease term  


     Distributor shops’ furniture and fixtures 1.5 years  Nil 


    Plant includes buildings owned by Anhui Kaixin built on the following land:


     Location Description Gross area (m2)
     Jinxi Town, Longshan Road, Taihu City, Anhui Province, the PRC Dormitory 8,573
     Jinxi Town, Longshan Road, Taihu City, Anhui Province, the PRC Factory 22,292


    The buildings were pledged as security for the outstanding bank loans as set forth in note 31.


    The gross carrying amount of the fully depreciated property, plant and equipment that is still in use is $38,851 and $32,803 as at December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively.


    In 2012, the Company performed a revaluation of certain equipment. The revaluation was performed by an independent appraiser on November 10, 2012 and, as a result of the revaluation, the Company recognized a revaluation surplus in the amount of 184,272. The amount is classified as revaluation reserve. Since the surplus has not been realized, the amount recognized is not available for distribution. There was no movement in the revaluation reserve during 2017 and 2016. The carrying amount that would have been recognized had the assets been carried under the cost model is as follows:


       As at December 31, 
       2017  2016 
     Machinery  95,826   141,075 
     Motor Vehicles  35   33 
     Office Equipment  2,661   3,202 
     Furniture and fixtures  739   1,844 
        99,261   146,154