Grupo Aval Acciones Y Valores S.A. | CIK:0001504764 | 3

  • Filed: 4/27/2018
  • Entity registrant name: Grupo Aval Acciones Y Valores S.A. (CIK: 0001504764)
  • Generator: DataTracks
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  • ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForEmployeeBenefitsExplanatory

    Employee Benefits
    Grupo Aval entities provide the following benefits to employees in exchange of services rendered to the Group:
    Short-term employee benefits
    Pursuant to Colombian labor rules, such benefits are comprised of salaries, legal and extra-legal premiums, holidays, severance payments and payroll tax contributions to the Colombian Government agencies which are paid within 12 months following the end of the period. Such benefits are recognized on an accrual basis and recognized in profit or loss.
    Post-employment benefits (defined benefit plans)
    These are benefits that Grupo Aval pays to its employees when they retire or upon completion of their employment period, other than indemnities. According to Colombian labor rules, such benefits are retirement pensions which are directly assumed by Grupo Aval's entities, pending severance payments to employees belonging to the labor regime prior to Law 50 1990 and certain extra-legal benefits or agreed in collective labor conventions.
    Post-employment benefits liabilities are determined based on present value of estimated future payments, calculated based on actuarial assessments based on the projected unit of credit method, and applying actuarial assumptions about mortality rate, increase of salaries and personnel turnover, and interest rates determined with reference to bond market returns of Colombian Government’ bonds or high-quality business liabilities in effect at the reporting date. Under the projected unit of credit method, future benefits to be paid to employees are assigned to each accounting period in which the employee renders the service. Therefore, the corresponding expense due to these benefits recognized in profit or loss of Grupo Aval includes the present service cost assigned in the actuarial calculation plus the financial cost of calculated liabilities. Changes in liabilities due to changes in actuarial assumptions are recognized in Other Comprehensive Income.
    Changes in actuarial liabilities due to changes in employment benefits granted to employees that have a retroactive effect are recognized as an expense in the earlier of the following dates:
    When a modification of the granted employment benefits takes place, or
    When provisions for restructuring costs are recognized by a subsidiary or a business of Grupo Aval.
    Other long-term employee benefits
    Long term benefits are different from employee short-term benefits, post-employment benefits and termination. In accordance with the collective conventions and regulations of each company of Grupo Aval, such benefits are mainly related to seniority  bonuses.
    Long-term liabilities for employee benefits are determined in the same manner as post-employment benefits described in item (b) above; the only difference is that the changes in the actuarial liability due to changes in the actuarial assumptions are recognized in profit or loss.
    Termination benefits
    These benefits are payments carried out by Grupo Aval entities deriving from a unilateral decision of terminating a labor contract or by a decision of the employee to accept benefits offered by an entity in exchange for terminating the employment contract. Pursuant to Colombian law, such payments correspond to compensation and other benefits that entities unilaterally decide to grant to their employees under such circumstances.
    Termination benefits are recognized as a liability or in profit or loss at the earlier of the following dates:
    When Grupo Aval formally informs to the employee about its decision of dismissal; or
    When provisions for restructuring costs are recognized by a subsidiary or business of Grupo Aval.