TENARIS SA | CIK:0001190723 | 3

  • Filed: 4/30/2018
  • Entity registrant name: TENARIS SA (CIK: 0001190723)
  • Generator: Thunderdome
  • SEC filing page: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1190723/000117184318003182/0001171843-18-003182-index.htm
  • XBRL Instance: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1190723/000117184318003182/ts-20171231.xml
  • XBRL Cloud Viewer: Click to open XBRL Cloud Viewer
  • EDGAR Dashboard: https://edgardashboard.xbrlcloud.com/edgar-dashboard/?cik=0001190723
  • Open this page in separate window: Click
  • ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForProvisionsExplanatory

    P Provisions
    Tenaris is subject to various claims, lawsuits and other legal proceedings, including customer claims, in which a
    party is seeking payment for alleged damages, reimbursement for losses or indemnity. Tenaris’s potential liability with respect to such claims, lawsuits and other legal proceedings cannot be estimated with certainty. Management periodically reviews the status of each significant matter and assesses potential financial exposure. If, as a result of past events, a potential loss from a claim or proceeding is considered probable and the amount can be reliably estimated, a provision is recorded. Accruals for loss contingencies reflect a reasonable estimate of the losses to be incurred based on information available to management as of the date of preparation of the financial statements, and take into consideration Tenaris’s litigation and settlement strategies. These estimates are primarily constructed with the assistance of legal counsel. As the scope of liabilities become better defined, there
    be changes in the estimates of future costs which could have a material adverse effect on its results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.
    If Tenaris expects to be reimbursed for an accrued expense, as would be the case for an expense or loss covered under an insurance contract, and reimbursement is considered virtually certain, the expected reimbursement is recognized as a receivable.
    This note should be read in conjunction with Note