LINE Corp | CIK:0001611820 | 3

  • Filed: 3/30/2018
  • Entity registrant name: LINE Corp (CIK: 0001611820)
  • Generator: Donnelley Financial Solutions
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  • ifrs-full:DisclosureOfBasisOfConsolidationExplanatory


    Basis of Consolidation

    The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Group, which are directly or indirectly controlled. Control is generally conveyed by ownership of the majority of voting rights. The Group controls an entity when the Group has power over the entity, is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from the involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the entity.

    When necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to bring their accounting policies in line with the Group’s accounting policies. If the end of the reporting period of a subsidiary differs from that of the Company, the subsidiary prepares, for the purpose of preparing consolidation financial statements, additional financial statements as of the same date as the consolidated financial statements of the Group.


    Non-controlling interest in a subsidiary is accounted for separately from the parent’s ownership interests in a subsidiary. Profit or loss and each component of other comprehensive income are attributed to the shareholders of the parent and non-controlling interest, even if this results in the non-controlling interest having a deficit balance. A change in the ownership interest of a subsidiary, without a loss of control, is accounted for as an equity transaction. Any difference between the adjustment to the non-controlling interest and the fair value of the consideration paid or received is recognized directly in shareholders’ equity as “equity attributable to the shareholders of the Company”.

    On February 12, 2016, the board of directors approved the abandonment of the MixRadio service (“MixRadio”) segment. The operation of the MixRadio business was classified as a discontinued operation on March 21, 2016, when the abandonment took effect.

    Intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated upon consolidation.