• Filed: 4/19/2018
  • Entity registrant name: CHEMICAL & MINING CO OF CHILE INC (CIK: 0000909037)
  • Generator: DataTracks
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  • ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForInvestmentInAssociatesAndJointVenturesExplanatory

    3.19       Investments in associates and joint ventures
    Interests in companies over which joint control is exercised (joint venture) or where an entity has a significant influence (associates) are recognized using the equity method of accounting. Significant influence is presumed to exist when interest greater than 20% is held in the capital of an investee.
    Under this method, the investment is recognized in the statement of financial position at cost plus changes, subsequent to the acquisition, and considering the proportional share in the equity of the associate. For such purposes, the interest percentage in the ownership of the associate is used. The associated goodwill acquired is included in the carrying amount of the investee and is not amortized. The debit or credit to profit or loss reflects the proportional share in the profit or loss of the associate.
    Unrealized gains for transactions with affiliates or associates are eliminated according to the Company’s interest percentage in such entities. Unrealized losses are also eliminated, except if the transaction provides evidence of impairment loss of the transferred asset.
    Changes in the equity of associates are recognized on a proportional basis with a charge or credit to “Other reserves” and classified according to their origin.
    Reporting dates of the associate, the Company and related policies are similar for equivalent transactions and events under similar circumstances.
    In the event that the significant influence is lost or the investment is sold or is held as available for sale, the equity method is discontinued, suspending the recognition of the proportional share of profit or loss.
    If the resulting amount according to the equity method is negative, the share of profit or loss is reflected as zero in the consolidated financial statements, unless a commitment exists by the Company to reinstate the Company’s equity position, in which case the related provision for risks and expenses is recorded.
    Dividends received by these companies are recorded by reducing the equity value, and the proportional share of profit or loss recognized according to the equity share are included in the consolidated profit or loss accounts in the caption “Equity share of profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures that are accounted for using the equity method of accounting”.