Motif Bio plc | CIK:0001674657 | 3

  • Filed: 4/10/2018
  • Entity registrant name: Motif Bio plc (CIK: 0001674657)
  • Generator: Merrill
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  • ifrs-full:DisclosureOfChangesInAccountingPoliciesAccountingEstimatesAndErrorsExplanatory


    p.Critical accounting estimates and judgments


    In preparing the financial information, the Directors make judgments on how to apply the Group’s accounting policies and make estimates about the future. The critical judgments that have been made in arriving at the amounts recognized in the financial information and the key sources of estimation uncertainty that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying value of assets and liabilities in the next financial year, are discussed below:


    Acquisition and valuation of the iclaprim assets


    The directors, on assessing if the acquisition of the Nuprim iclaprim assets was of a business or of a group of assets, considered:



    the identified elements of the acquired group;


    the capability of the acquired group to produce outputs; and


    the impact that any missing elements have on a market participant’s ability to produce outputs with the acquired group.


    As the acquired group was not accompanied by any associated processes and because the acquired assets do not have planned principal activities, or a plan to produce outputs, the Directors considered the acquisition to be of a group of assets, not a business.


    The Directors use their judgment to identify the separate intangible assets and then determine a fair value for each based upon the consideration paid, the nature of the asset, industry statistics, future potential, and other relevant factors. Asset acquisitions are measured based on their cost to the acquiring entity, which generally includes transaction costs. An asset’s acquisition cost or the consideration transferred by the acquiring entity is assumed to be equal to the fair value of the net assets acquired, unless contrary evidence exists. These fair values are tested for impairment annually.


    Research and development expenditures


    Research and development expenditures are currently not capitalized because the criteria for capitalization are not met. At each balance sheet date, the Group estimates the level of service performed by the vendors and the associated costs incurred for the services performed.


    Although the Group does not expect the estimates to be materially different from amounts actually incurred, the understanding of the status and timing of services performed relative to the actual status and timing of services performed may vary and could result in reporting amounts that are too high or too low in any particular period.


    Share based payments and fair value of warrants


    The Directors have to make judgments when deciding on the variables to apply in arriving at an appropriate valuation of share based compensation and warrants, including appropriate factors for volatility, risk free interest rate, and applicable future performance conditions and exercise patterns.